The Young Professional Programme

Our Young Professional Programme supports young dancers within five years of graduating from a three year full-time training at Vocational College, Dance Conservatoire or equivalent as they start out in the professional world.

The Young Professional Programme is a two-year programme that aims to support young professionals by reducing the financial pressures a young dancer faces when trying to start their professional career. Each participant will receive financial support and guidance to enable them to gain skills development and continued training such as; dance technique, creating, auditioning, marketing, creative problem solving, producing and mentoring.

A goal plan will be agreed between each participant and Swindon Dance which outcomes will be measured against. It is hoped that these young professionals will go on to become longer-term associates of Swindon Dance.


Jason Yip

As a dance artist, I've always been driven by a desire to use dance as a platform to explore concepts of memory and play. My creative processes often involve the investigation of how past memories shape movement, and how ‘play’ can be interpreted through both conceptual narratives and physical exploration. I believe that the body is capable of acting as an archive of the past, serving to stimulate dialogues about the social-political issues that permeate our everyday lives. In essence, I view dance as a powerful medium of self-expression, a testament to the joy and groove inherent in movement.


Josh Hoffman

Josh returns to this programme following time out to recover from a serious injury. We are so glad he has fully recovered and able to return to continue on his creative pathway with us.

Josh is captivated by movement, art and creation. “The feeling I get when moving and making have helped me deal with moments in my life, have brought me joy and inspiration in immeasurable quantities.” Josh began his journey into dance through street dance.


Photo Credit: Blair Moore

Dan Baines

Born in Wiltshire, Dan Baines began dancing at the age of 7 before joining Swindon Dance’s Centre for Advanced Training Scheme. He then joined the National Youth Dance Company. Dan then graduated from Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary in 2020.


Josh Hoffman

Josh is captivated by movement, art and creation. “The feeling I get when moving and making have helped me deal with moments in my life, have brought me joy and inspiration in immeasurable quantities.” Josh began his journey into dance through street dance.


Sam Amos

Sam is a choreographer and filmmaker based in Bristol. Sam discovered dancing at the age of 9 - inspired by the freedom and expressive nature of Breaking. Sam has dedicated his time to developing a very distinct movement style for which he is known today.

Applications for 2024-26 are now closed. If you would like more information about the Young Professionals offer please visit Swindon Dance main site.